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Article by Ken Lay September 4, 2013:

I want you all to imagine something with me. Imagine that each week an Australian is murdered at a train station.

That each week, someone’s brother or sister; mother or father is violently killed getting on or off a train. Picture it?

Now picture the public response.

It would be a front-page news story in each of our capital cities. Police would flood our stations, while people would avoid public transport in favour of private cars. Congestion would quickly become a major problem, as the number of cars on the roads increased. The word “crisis” would pepper our talkback.

Can you imagine it?


Now I have another figure — a real figure — that I think is just as horrific. A figure that is just as worthy of galvanising our sympathy and outrage. But it doesn’t.

The figure is this: every week a woman is murdered by her partner or ex-partner.

Every week this happens.

Now, our public response isn’t at all like we imagined it would be if those victims died not in their family rooms but at train stations.

read the rest of the article at The Hoopla